The bright rays of knowledge and wisdom shined when the Webinar with Prof. George Vithoulkas, the World’s leading Homeopath began on 20th & 21st November 2021. More than 800 attendees from 62 countries took part with great enthusiasm and happiness, which was evident through their enormous response on Zoom. The International Academy of Classical Homeopathy presented research based scientific information and transcendental experience through the teachings of Prof. Vithoulkas, thereby making the webinar so characteristically full of learning and enlightening moments.
The Director of IACH Ms Maria Chorianopolou deserves the complete credit, as her vision to organise the webinars in ‘Watch & Learn Series’ gives the golden opportunity to learn directly from Prof. Vithoulkas.
The webinar began with Dr Seema Mahesh, the Research head of IACH who presented in detail the importance of the publication of evidence based cured cases in medical journals and also explained the structure of case writing, maintaining scientific standards. It was appreciated highly on both days as such an in depth study of writing a scientific paper is a necessity in today’s world.
Dr Mahesh Mallappa presented a severe pathological case of hypogonadism and gave all the facts step by step with description of the remedies. The direction of cure and reappearance of old symptoms were remarkably displayed in his case analysis and management.
Dr Atul Jaggi demonstrated the dominance of Vithoulkas Compass over Flat Repertorisation and further presented different parameters in Case of evaluation, synchronising with the way of thinking of Prof. Vithoulkas. Dr Jaggi also showed management of difficult chronic cases, with principles of Classical Homeopathy and systematic review were given in both the cases, showcasing the improvement in all levels.
The Video lecture on “Controversy over Homeopathic treatment” by Prof. Vithoulkas was profound and very beneficial, hence clarifying different issues on Homeopathy. Dr Latika Jaggi introduced this absorbing lecture and also motivated by sharing the stories of master homeopaths, focusing on their destined conversion to Homeopathy.
Dr.Tamara Kozymenko, the newly elected President of Union for Diplomate Homeopathic Physicians ( UdiHoP) announced the new Administrative board and explained the goals of this scientific association to form one unified voice for establishing Classical Hahnemannian Homeopathy.
The spotlight of the webinar arrived when Prof. George Vithoulkas in the first session, bestowed all with an amazing and invaluable talk on “Role of diseases in Human Evolution”. All the participants were full of gratitude when his words of wisdom enlightened everyone with the discussion on the real meaning of ‘Eros’. The astounding second day with him further expanded the knowledge when he answered different questions raised by the attendees. His presence on both days was so impactful that the requests to listen to him more did not stop pouring in.
The contribution of the whole team including administrators, technical team, translators together with their assistants who ceaselessly translated in 5 different languages for the people from 62 countries, made real globalisation possible. No wonder !! the demand to continue with such enriching webinars was immediate feedback by the contented participants.