Eines der Themen auf dem 121. Bundesärztetag in Erfurt ist die Diskussion um die Erhaltung der Zusatzbezeichnung Homöopathie für Ärzte. Vor dem Auftakt plädiert der Präsident der Bundesärztekammer (BÄK), Prof. Dr. med. Frank Montgomery, im Interview mit dem Bayerischen Rundfunk für eine pragmatische Lösung.
Head of the German Medical Association Montgomery speaks in favour of Homeopathy
Posted on 9th May2018 in Background, Homeopathy, Interview
One of the topics at the 121st General Assembly of the German Medical Association in Erfurt is the discussion for maintaining the additional qualification of Homeopathy for medical doctors. Shortly before the beginning of the General Assembly, the President of the Bundesärztekammer (BÄK) (German Medical Association), Prof. Dr. med. Frank Montgomery, pleaded for a pragmatic solution in an interview with the Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian Broadcasting Service).
Montgomery takes a stand on the debate: “It is a fact that homeopathy helps many people. It is important that homeopathy is administered by somebody who knows when it can no longer help and who can then switch to conventional medical treatment” says the Head of BÄK (German Medical Association) , “I would not look so emotionally and intensively at the whole matter.”
Montgomery considers homeopathy to be “complimentary medicine. In connection with a good medical education it is sensible” claims the physician. And it would be better if well-trained physicians help the people.
Moreover, Montgomery argues for the aspects of empirical science in medicine: “If we always only accepted the purely scientific aspects in all fields of medicine, then there would be a problem for many fields in medicine: We all know that the scientific progress of today is sometimes the error of tomorrow.”
In his statement, the President of the German Medical Association also takes into consideration the patients’ wishes: “Personally I believe – I am a conventional medical doctor, radiologist at a university hospital -, that the scientific foundations of homeopathy are controversial. However, many areas of medicine with which we are dealing today are such that they are requested by the patients. “