The first weekend of July 2023 will be marked special as the International Academy of Classical Homoeopathy held a very important webinar—” Homeopathy in Mental Conditions” in the Watch and Learn series. More than 800 participants from 61 countries attended live the webinar, which was simultaneously translated into 10 languages worldwide.
Hahnemann, the father of Homeopathy originated a scientific and gentle approach to treat Mental Emotional disorders through this therapeutic science. In the same line, the webinar highlighted the role of Homeopathy in present rise of mental emotional sickness.
Prof. George Vithoulkas graced the webinar by coming LIVE on both the days and his insightful scientific words on Conscience and its relation to health and disease ignited the minds of all listeners. Various doubts and queries regarding mental derangements were clarified by Prof.Vithoulkas
All the speakers of the webinars presented in detail the role of this science and it’s effectiveness through their wonderful case presentations and cures. The whole webinar covered multiple aspects on the topic through research papers, theoretical background, cured cases of the masters and Prof. George Vithoulkas.
The director of IACH, Ms Maria Chorianopolou and her whole team brought a great learning experience to all attendees through their tireless, selfless efforts and organization. The webinar was successful and brought to light that Classical Homeopathy has immense possibilities to bring balance and harmony to the mental health of humanity. This was so clearly visible and felt when all the participants, at the conclusion of the webinar, showered great admiration, contentment, and respect for Prof. Vithoulkas knowledge and wisdom.